
“The Trust aims to provide financial support for high achieving individual Whanganui youth, in order that they advance their international sporting careers."

Looking to apply?

Complete the application form and email a scanned copy with any supporting documents to:
[email protected]

Alternatively, drop into Sport Whanganui, Springvale Park, 226 London Street, Whanganui 4501

Download your application form here:

Download application form

Looking to support?

Are you looking for a way to support the Future Champions Trust?

Get in touch with us here

Funding Criteria:

  1. Generally only one application in any one calendar year will be considered.
  2. All applications must be signed by the athlete, parent or caregiver and endorsed by a coach, club or school.
  3. Applicants will be expected to indicate where other funding may be coming from.
  4. Applications need to show a breakdown of known/estimated costs for the purpose of the application, the specific amounts requested from the Future Champions Trust and their expected contribution.
  5. Applicants should typically reside in or play their chosen sport in the Whanganui district for at least six months of the year in which they have applied for funds or show strong linkages to Whanganui. They are expected to be NZ citizens.
  6. All applications must highlight the significance of the international event/tour/experience the applicant is requesting funding for, including a brief plan outlining their proposed path over the next 2 – 4 years.
  7. Applications will only be accepted from individual athletes (not from a whole team), but the athlete may have been chosen for an international team. eg. NZ Junior Sevens Team, NZ Junior Men's Rowing Eight.
  8. The Future Champions Trust expects any criminal convictions or similar offences by the applicant to be declared in a covering letter attached to the application form. Any convictions/offences will not necessarily rule the applicant out of consideration but will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.
  9. Successful applicants will be expected to be available to occasionally meet with supporters of the Future Champions Trust at selected functions.
  10. Applications will be considered, but generally will not be eligible where the athlete is already funded by their national organisation and/or Sport NZ to any material level.
  11. Applications will only be considered from athletes competing in recognised and registered New Zealand sports as Sport New Zealand guidelines.
  12. All successful applicants are expected to understand, agree and abide by the rules of Drug Free Sport NZ. Resources and the Drug Free Sport NZ Outreach programme are available on request.

The term Youth is generally used to describe athletes between the age of 13 – 23 years of age and generally representing NZ at an under-age level, as opposed to Elite/Olympic Level.

“All final funding decisions will rest with the Future Champions Trust.”